Liability Waiver

Thank you for being a part of the Ross Bridges community. We are thrilled to offer your child fun and engaging activities. Time in nature, art, movement, and free play allow your child to safely stretch their comfort zone.  However, there are inherent risks involved in this type of education and setting. Ross Bridges cannot be held liable for potential accidents or injuries that may occur while your child attends one of our programs.

By Signing this form, I as parent or Legal Guardian agree to the following:

  • I hereby give my approval for my child to participate in any/all activities offered while he/she is attending Ross Bridges.  I will notify the teacher/staff should I choose for my child not to participate in specific activities.

  • I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation with Ross Bridges, including, but not limited to, transportation to and from school, field trips, and activities, accidents, injury, or death while at Ross Bridges or while my child is in the care of teachers/staff of Ross Bridges.  I do hereby waive, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless Ross Bridges LLC and their staff and guest participants and persons transporting/teaching my child.

  • I understand medical insurance will not be provided by Ross Bridges LLC and all medical costs incurred while in the care of Ross Bridges LLC is my responsibility.

  • I agree in the event of an emergency that requires immediate action before I can be reached, a staff member of Ross Bridges may use their best judgment to make decisions in the treatment/care of my child, including but not limited to: CPR, bandaging, taking my child to the emergency room and administering medication to treat severe acute conditions like an allergic reaction.

  • For and in consideration of my child being permitted to participate in Ross Bridges activities, I hereby voluntarily release, discharge, waive and relinquish any and all claims or actions for damages for personal injury, permanent disability, death, or property damage which I or my child may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me or my child, as a result of participation in Ross Bridges activities while I or my child are at the facility, on field trips, or off-campus in a school-related activity or for any other reason.

  • This release is intended to discharge, in advance, Ross Bridges LLC its owners, employees, and agents, and the guest teachers/participants from any and all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my child’s participation in the school’s activities. I further understand that serious accidents may occur and that participants may sustain serious personal injuries, death, or property damage as a consequence thereof.

  • Knowing the risks, I have voluntarily applied for my child to attend Ross Bridges and participate in the activities of the curriculum and thereby agree to assume those risks to release and hold harmless Ross Bridges LLC, its owners, employees or agents, or the owners of any facility used by Ross Bridges LLC for educational or recreational activities, who (through gross negligence or carelessness) might otherwise be liable to me or to my child (or my heirs or assigns) for damages.

  • I further understand and agree that this release, discharge, waiver, and assumption of risk is to be binding on my and my child’s heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. I further agree to indemnify and to hold harmless Ross Bridges LLC, its owners, employees and agents, or the owners of any facility used by Ross Bridges LLC for activities, for any loss, liability damage, cost, or expense which may incur as a result of any injury or property damage I or my child may sustain while participating in the activity. I agree to comply with the program’s stated and customary terms and conditions for participation. If I observe any significant change with regard to my child’s readiness for participation in the program, I will remove my child from the activity immediately. I have read this agreement, fully understanding its terms, that I give up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it voluntarily.

Form & Signature